Saturday, November 21, 2009

Why are you trying so hard to be so different?

It really bugs me when people go above and beyond to prove they are different! I mean we all have our unique qualities and differences, and some of us do actually have REALLY different tastes than what mainstream media dictates, but what's annoying are those people who PURPOSELY force differences to just be different. For example, the won't listen to "pop" music because its "gay" and would rather listen to a garage+trance band that is practically tone deaf just to be different, or say they're into archaeology (random I know) just because many people wouldn't say that, or they wouldn't 'lower' themselves to watch stupid reality shows because they're above and beyond that, the list goes on...

One very evident example here is "Anime" and the love for "Japan". A few years ago the amount of people that liked anime and Japanese culture could probably be counted on one hand, make that one finger. Today, EVERYONE is into Anime and they're all "different" because they're basking in this different culture, and different genre of shows. Its NOT different when everybody is doing it, its mainstream now. You're not different, you're the same. You were different at some point if you were really one of the beginning few that were counted as the one finger and everyone had no idea what you're talking about when you said "I watch anime," but now I'm sorry to break the news to you but you're not different anymore. (I feel that way about superman, suddenly everyone is into him? but lets not go there :( ...)

We are all different, so stop trying so hard to be different, enjoy some mainstream and popular shows,music, books, clothes, etc... because it's really so much more fun when you can actually have a conversation about the things you like. I'm not saying you have to enjoy everything that everybody else likes but try it some time. I'm also not saying that you shouldn't like anything weird or awkward to everyone else because maybe you'll get someone into it someday (hope).

Anyways just wanted to get that off my chest. I feel much better now. You can stop reading now and google something weird like "bonzai kittens" and insert it into a conversation next time and be seen as weird and different. :p

1 comment:

M.Alshamsi said...

Nice write-up. I share your frustration. It is such a pity, given that i was once one of those people to be counted on one finger, and now everyone is diluting the experience just to try and be different. But we cannot blame people for trying to be different. Remember that people always strive to stand out and get attention. Without it, they feel insignificant and lost. It is the matter of making it a lifestyle that gets phycologically disturbing... Thanks for the insight :)