It was a night like any other, but it was her that felt different. Tonight she was a supernova that’s about to burst with an explosion so bright it would light up the night for years to come. Like a supernova she wanted to expel her insides, all her emotions and feelings that she knew if put into words would never describe the way she felt. If ever she tried to explain the way she felt the remnants of her words would leave a shockwave behind of all those who heard it, for not anyone could understand or believe what she was trying to express.
Day after day she would wish for a change, a spark to ignite the luminosity she knew she radiated day to day – but not to its fullest extent. Day after day whether rainbows or butterflies, sandstorms or cloudy days, plain or boring days those subtle changes, big to some, were not enough to entice her spirit, that is until she met him.
He was different, yet familiar. His words echoed through her head as she tried to assess the truth behind them, she wasn’t to be taken as a fool, after all this was a matter of ever after, and she was determined that her ever after be a happy one. One filled with laughter and love, trust and honesty, care and support, and children, definitely children. With laughter she would always appreciate what she has been given when she sees those who don’t laugh. Love to always have a reason to wake up in the morning. Trust to never worry again, and thereby not getting wrinkles and looking old too fast. Honesty for peace of mind and not keep track of what to say or examine every word being said to her. Care so that when her life comes to an end she can feel the achievement for caring for someone else as that’s what you remember the most. Support, because even though she may be strong, she’s vulnerable sometimes and needs someone to brush up her wings so she could fly. And last but not least children because they’re the joy of life, and she couldn’t help but smile around them, their innocence, the funny things they say, and being able to live through life all over again through them, but, yes there seems to always be a but in life, none of this would be possible without him, and now he might just be here.
He was the sun to which every sunflower would follow, would she be just another sunflower in a never-ending meadow? Or would she be the camouflaged yellow rose in the meadow that needs the sun but can face any direction she wanted? Yes, a yellow rose showing his affection would be a perfect sign for her, but how would he know that’s what she needed? She tossed and turned for nights, every part of her was begging for her ‘yes’ to his proposal, but why? Why would she feel this way after a few phone calls and meetings? Did she really find her soul mate? She did feel complete, and powerful is this the power Zeus feared when splitting up soul mates, the power of thinking that anything is possible with them by your side? Yes, its him, how can it not be if he makes her feel things so powerful that it could light up a night for many years to come.
She finally did say yes and that’s why she felt different on this night, she finally burst with joy and happiness, this was the beginning of her happily ever after with the love of her life.
Spent today asking people how they fall in love: no one had an answer. So this provides some of the clues... there must be mystery and a hint of magic!
Oo i think that's what i want to feel, but it's easy to think it might not happen this way!! but your post gives me hope :p
Check this out:
TED: Helen Fisher Studies The Brain in Love
I find the part she's working on researching the future pretty interesting. I've always wondered about it and would love to see the results!
I sent it to you wees min 2abel.
I've read this before and it is a really touching write-up... i love this piece.. The perception of love will vary from individual to another.. It is not how much of physical or emotional charge you feel, but it is how you percieve every single thought, word and look directed towards you. How you relate that to love (i.e. an inner piece; serenity) is what makes it significant. That is for the people looking for love, and not finding it easily, or waiting for that grand spark. in the eyes of others, a grand spark might be a flicker of light, to you it would mean the world. So whoever haven't founnd love, stop look for it, it'll come to you.. And when it does, you'll be the first to know.. :)
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