Arab = Aggressive
Muslim = Terrorist
Gulf-Local = Lazy/Rich
Gamer = No-life
Asian = Stupid
White = Boss
Blonde = Dumb
How many of us have fallen victims of the stereotype. We see people who ignorantly condemn all, for the acts of a few. This "cycle of hate" has been around for ages, fed by people's innermost evil; Jealousy, greed, and lack of insight. Those are but a few of the driving forces of stereotyping.
However, we should ask ourselves a simple question; what have we done to mitigate the ripple effect of stereotyping? Most likely, not a single thing, as most people find it easier to ignore than to fight back, which brings us back to square one.
A while back I came across a theory which was both interesting and humorous. It is called the "halo and horn theory" related to the halo/horn effect (Google it). It is a study conducted on a large body of people who fall into stereotype categories. Surprisingly, the results have proven that people usually adopt the stereotype rather than fight it.
Skipping all the technicalities of the study, If someone puts horns over your head, he would interact with you according to the stereotype, which makes you upset, and with time making you reach a point where you wouldn't care anymore, falling into that exact stereotype you have been avoiding, whether a lazy worker, being always late, irresponsible or an ignorant individual.
The bottom-line is, how can we resist the stereotype?
How many times have you left an impression on people that made them say, "Oh, i didn't know (people like you*) (aren't like that*) "*Insert stereotype category in both places". Whether it was your wits, a unique talent you possess or your thoughts and ideas on subjects, they are key to replace the horns people force on your head to halos.
With time, such stereotypes will vanish, leaving only positive thoughts in the minds of others, paving the way to eradicating stereotypes from our societies. Be a positive driver, and leave an impression that astonishes people, resulting in a bright halo above your head.
In the end, Halos shine, illuminating our surroundings, and possibly revealing new opportunities in our lives. ( BTW, i'm not referring to the halo in space that is made to kill all living things in the universe.. ;) for the geeks in here "Not stereotyping..")