A wise young Sco222ish gurl once asked me in an orientation counselor interview:
"In a stack of 10 pancakes, which one would you be?" (1 being the bottom of the stack)
The first answer that comes to most people's minds is of course number 10: the top of the stack , the leader of the bunch, the HEAD pancake! But after seconds of realistic thought one comes to the obvious conclusion that might not be where they really are in life's stack of pancakes, as it is only logical that not everyone is born a leader (or is destined to lead for that matter). Even if he/she is a proud Carnegie Mellon graduate.
For me, I knew I wasn't a leader, not that I couldn't be, rather I didn't want to be. On the other hand I also knew I wasn't meant to be on the bottom of the stack, not that it was something to be ashamed of (as Ayman wisely pointed out to me, the pancake on the bottom of the stack is the one holding the rest of the pancakes up so they can stand tall).
That said, I knew where I stood among the 10 pancakes standing in the column that only each and every one of them can understand. I was number 5! (NO! not the Chanel fragrance MoMo!) Not necessarily "the middle" but as close as I can be to it. This was because, at the time, I claimed that being a leader was not for me, neither was being the guy at the bottom taking everyone's crap. I stated, during the interview, that being in the middle allowed me to take somma* of the responsibility while being able to delegate some of that responsibility to people below me if the pressure was too much.
Looking back, I was wrong. As the fall semester of 2007 unraveled I realised I don't like people telling me what to do, let alone being responsible for anyone else! Interaction with people on the whole was a very sensitive thing with me. I'm not anti-social but not necessarily the most social person in the world. I love people, not necessarily as human beings, rather as "Wii-motes". I can interact and have fun with it whenever I want and give it new batteries whenever it's out. I don't like to be part of the people rather a seperate entity that jumps in whenever it is needed.
So after careful and time wasting analysis (during a wonderful and looong stay in the bathroom) I came to the conclusion that I'm not on the top of the stack for I choose not to be a leader. I am not on the bottom of the stack as I am not one that likes to be told what to do. Therefore, I am the syrup!
I am on the side. I am not held responsible for other people's actions but I am held accountable for the mistakes I make. I am not part of the organization of people I am "with" rather I compliment them. I don't control where I stand on the table of life, as there is a higher being that has somewhat determined where that place will be. But by whichever pancake stack I stand next to, I am sure to provide the support and sweetness ;) that stack needs.
That was my take on where I stand within the pancake stack. Where do you?
Ooooh, I like the syrup. I want some of that yummy syrup =P
But seriously, why wouldnt people want to be in the bottom of the stack? I mean in the case of pancakes, does not the first one, "the leader," gets eaten first? Doesn't the last one survive until the end? He's the stronger one. He keeps everything together. He holds the stack up, and he stays until the end. And besides, in armies the leaders are always at the back, and expendables are always at the front. I really think the last one is the leader.
But the syrup, YUM!!! =P ... and i wouldnt be pancakes. I am different. I would be cheese cake, and omar you can be my syrup =P
I wanna be the strawberry on top, just like that pic...
because that mean im flexible, i can go on top of da pancackes or moe's cheescake, with or without syrup, with yummy cream or without, i can be whatever i wanna be... i can even hide under the first pancake, and then go PEEK A BOO SURPRISE... theres strawberry here... :p
Interesting topic, loved the idea.
Well, when it comes to me - and the stack of pancakes - I see myself as non of them. Confused yet?
Well, I have always been - or at least wanted to be - "the guy behind the scenes" ..
I dont like being a leader. I think I could have been so, but its matter of choice which I decided to let go of. I dont like being at the bottom as well. Middle doesnt satisfy my ambitions as well.
So what I have always tried to do was to prove "stuff" to myself, helping where help is needed, taking care of stuff, etc..
But I've always tried to do that with no one knowing my intentions. Dont ask why, a matter if self satisfaction I guess..
I think I've succeeded at that. Some might disagree..
A matter of opinion I guess
by the way.. i like that you're the syrup. but what if your pancakes friends are eaten and you're left with no one
id rather be eaten with my friends
"live together, die alone!"
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