without darkness there would be no light
without a husband there would be no wife
without day there would be no night
without me there would be no MY life.
Life works in many ways, left ways, rights ways,
Stupid ways, nice ways, basically…
Opposite ways…
When we sign the contract of living in this world,
We sort of take responsibility of bearing it all.
We bear the good and the bad.
We bear the life and the death.
Its all in this clause that states “free will”
Being non-omniscient of course makes this 'will' harder,
We don’t necessarily always choose the right path, we don’t always necessarily choose the path that will make us happy, we simply choose. We choose and hope for the best.
We choose and we bear it all.
You signed the contract…
“I (insert name) take responsibility for all that I have chosen, and will live with its consequences, I acknowledge that I have the free will to choose, and thus bear it all.”
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