Someone, somewhere. You make me smile.
Someone, somewhere. Doesn’t know they do.
Someone, somewhere. You make it worthwhile.
Someone, somewhere. Hope you feel it too.
Someone, somewhere. Doesn’t matter who you are.
Someone, somewhere. I hope its you.
Someone, somewhere . All alone inside.
Someone, somewhere. I am there for you.
Someone, somewhere. Please don’t cry.
Someone, somewhere. I cry sometimes too.
Someone, somewhere. Don’t be ashamed.
Someone, somewhere. Because I have a secret too.
Someone, somewhere. Don’t give up.
Someone, somewhere. You will make it through.
Someone, somewhere. It will become true.
Someone, somewhere. I love you too.
Someone, somewhere. I thank you.
Not for all you have given me, but for allowing me to give you too.
makes u stop at each line and read it again and again ...
someone, somewhere... is that me you are talking about...
someone, somewhere... cause i feel like that too...
your welcome :)
I thank you.
Not for all you have given me, but for allowing me to give you too
^ this is
The post in general is great
Each piece is completing each other, the words, meanings, ideas and the PHOTO
I really luv the photo
U look so romantic there, specially with that view
Wish u all the best!
U r creative dear :*
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