I am imperfect
True as can be
No one can see
The perfection in me
We live in a world
As shallow as can be
Observes and judges
Based on weakness skin deep
From this harshness
No one can flee
One falls victim to the rules of majority
Veils of equality
Intimidated by ambiguities
Which enforced by formality
Builds and molds
A brand new human creed
One that suffices to social proceed
Social proceed according to race
Regardless of rights
Whatever the case
Social proceed according to worth
How much you spend
Determines the way
People respect you
With words said astray
Social proceed according to appearance
The casual clean look
Formal to the book
All must be followed with adherence
There are those who suffer
Because of their race
They are perceived
According to the color of their face
From this fate they cannot hide
And so they cry
Hoping that one day
The racist veil
Would make its way
Off their covered eyes
And there are those
Who are so lucky
Content with their wealth
They have all the money
A human heart may desire
Yet for more, they aspire
People who know them
View them with glee
The moment they part
That look turns to envy
As the rich start to shower their new friends with gifts, free
Oh how wonderful it must be
To live a life so care free
In this world we live in so perfectly
Even if that world didn’t comply
With the human heart’s infinite greed
I am one with many odd habits
I cannot stop them
I am an addict
I crack my back, I twist and turn, I twitch my eyes
To me it’s a habit
To the world
A retarded disguise
I’m flaky, unfocused
Like many I continuously try
To change all my faults
To satisfy
The many wandering eyes
That follow me every day of my life
I myself, have an objection
To the false meaning of perfection
A Dictionary defines it:
“Being without defect or blemish”
That is not a realistic definition
And we all know it
Perfection is not limited to those with no flaw
No mistakes, outside or in
It is those comfortable
With all their defects
And able to feel good
in their own skin
Why should we stand back
And let some old fart
Choose what makes each and every one of us
A perfect piece of art
Drawn and brought to life
By the greatest artist there ever was
Everyone is born with their own characteristics
Like an endless stack of different sticks
All unique in their own way
As long as from their straight state
They don’t stray
And so all of us can be perfect
Among our different arrays
Of races, faces and little tweaks
Tweaks unique to you and me
That fit ourselves perfectly
And that is how I justify
The attack on the unjustified divide
Between the perfect and imperfect side
All I know is I am me
Not you, not him
Just me
And that is how you can be
Perfect in your own way
Even if no one can see
I am perfection
True as can be
But sadly
No one will see this perfection but me
I am happy
~Poem by Omar Alouba~
True as can be
No one can see
The perfection in me
We live in a world
As shallow as can be
Observes and judges
Based on weakness skin deep
From this harshness
No one can flee
One falls victim to the rules of majority
Veils of equality
Intimidated by ambiguities
Which enforced by formality
Builds and molds
A brand new human creed
One that suffices to social proceed
Social proceed according to race
Regardless of rights
Whatever the case
Social proceed according to worth
How much you spend
Determines the way
People respect you
With words said astray
Social proceed according to appearance
The casual clean look
Formal to the book
All must be followed with adherence
There are those who suffer
Because of their race
They are perceived
According to the color of their face
From this fate they cannot hide
And so they cry
Hoping that one day
The racist veil
Would make its way
Off their covered eyes
And there are those
Who are so lucky
Content with their wealth
They have all the money
A human heart may desire
Yet for more, they aspire
People who know them
View them with glee
The moment they part
That look turns to envy
As the rich start to shower their new friends with gifts, free
Oh how wonderful it must be
To live a life so care free
In this world we live in so perfectly
Even if that world didn’t comply
With the human heart’s infinite greed
I am one with many odd habits
I cannot stop them
I am an addict
I crack my back, I twist and turn, I twitch my eyes
To me it’s a habit
To the world
A retarded disguise
I’m flaky, unfocused
Like many I continuously try
To change all my faults
To satisfy
The many wandering eyes
That follow me every day of my life
I myself, have an objection
To the false meaning of perfection
A Dictionary defines it:
“Being without defect or blemish”
That is not a realistic definition
And we all know it
Perfection is not limited to those with no flaw
No mistakes, outside or in
It is those comfortable
With all their defects
And able to feel good
in their own skin
Why should we stand back
And let some old fart
Choose what makes each and every one of us
A perfect piece of art
Drawn and brought to life
By the greatest artist there ever was
Everyone is born with their own characteristics
Like an endless stack of different sticks
All unique in their own way
As long as from their straight state
They don’t stray
And so all of us can be perfect
Among our different arrays
Of races, faces and little tweaks
Tweaks unique to you and me
That fit ourselves perfectly
And that is how I justify
The attack on the unjustified divide
Between the perfect and imperfect side
All I know is I am me
Not you, not him
Just me
And that is how you can be
Perfect in your own way
Even if no one can see
I am perfection
True as can be
But sadly
No one will see this perfection but me
I am happy
~Poem by Omar Alouba~
loved it, very true...
i see it..
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